Did you know there is a gender gap in women ranking in STEM college degrees?

Women ranking in STEM college degrees percentage is at least 18 - 20% to men. At at every major college, a higher percentage of men major in STEM fields. However, in some colleges more women ranked higher in academics than men.
Colleges like Walden University, Capella University, University of Phoenix and others are most likely to hire more women than men.
This is very good news for women participating in STEM! As a result of STEM education, women are allowed the opportunity for high paying positions and mobility. For example, STEM majors earnings are higher than non-STEM majors salaries unfortunately. According to bestcolleges.com, STEM women graduates earn about 35% more than non-STEM majors.
As you can see, women are rising up in STEM education by the minute. #EquityinTech #EqualPay #STEMeducation